Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What become biggest December date

Its so tough for him to hear that, knowing the outcome. In what may become the biggest December to date in terms of Hip Hop album releases, Jay-Z joins Kanye West, 50 Cent and possibly Eminem with the release of Blueprint 3 on December 2nd By inking Dec. HEIDI KLUM and the makers of TV series PROJECT RUNWAY have been cleared of stealing the concept for the hit show from two fashion designers. In the film, Newman plays an alcoholic lawyer, Frank Galvin, who sees the chance for redemption in what may be his final case. Newman, who grew up in Shaker Heights and attended Kenyon College, died Friday, Sept. Falling to 2-3 with a third straight defeat the teams first such losing streak since late in the 2006 season had much to do with the frustration.

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